VIMEO DOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Open video page in Firefox browser. Step 2. Right click on video and select "This Frame" then choose the option "Open Frame in New Tab". Step 3. Right click on new tab to view its page html source code and click on "Find in this page". Step 4. Search for your desired video quality, such as 360p, 540p, 720p or 1080p which are some of the most popular video quality formats. Step 5. Make sure you copy the full link to your desired mp4 video file, including its token, as you will not be able to download it without the token number. (The full url with token might look like "") Step 6. Paste the copied link into a new Firefox browser tab window so that you can view the mp4 video file. Step 7. Right click on video and select "Save Video As" and choose a name for the vidoe file and download location on your computer. Your video will download within minutes! WISTIA DOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Open the free RealPlayer downloader on your pc (or get the complete free RealPlayer software for even more features and ensure it is running). Step 2. Open the video page in your browser of choice. Step 3. View page source of video page and open js file link in new tab of your browser. Step 4. Search for video code after the following line of text in js file: "wistia_async_" (The video code is often a ten character alphanumeric code like "5emgtrze5f".) Step 5. When you find the alphanumeric code copy it and paste it into the following example url: "" Step 6. Open your newly created video embed url in a new browser window, ignore video not found message, and wait for RealPlayer to detect the video. Step 7. Click on download to start RealPlayer downloading your video to the RealPlayer video download folder. (NOTE: The free version of RealPlayer is all you need, however the premium version has more features and allows you to download in a quality higher than 720p.)